Openly is a mobile app that efficiently and accurately captures key symptoms and other risk information to track the health and wellness of users. By aggregating this data in the cloud, Openly enables active population monitoring so organisations can make better decisions and employ more informed risk management and access control strategies.Self ScreenVia the Openly app, students or employees capture meaningful clinical data to screen their health and wellness each day. Should it be indicated, the app can offer clear next steps on how to get the care they need.Get PassportA healthy screening then creates an optional, timestamped virtual passport for entry into a classroom, company building, or another event.Share ResultsThe Openly Dashboard allows screening results to be shared with the organisations’ health department for immediate, appropriate escalations of care if necessary.Be OpenlyThis de-identified, population-wide data informs decision making on whether to keep an office open, temporarily move to a virtual classroom, or another use case.With Openly, organisations can thrive again by providing peace of mind to students, employees, and others as they gather together safely and confidently.